Load in the OBR’s quarterly labour market data (sheet 1.6), keeping the following variables:
Employment rate (%)
Average earning growth (%)
Average earning index
Productivity per hour index
Real wage product
Real consumption wage
Split the period data into separate year and quarter variables. Ensure that all variable names follow Tidyverse’s style guide.
Using the same approach as the housing market sheet, load the range of cells containing the data required, not including the variable names. Add variable names manually after selecting the variables required, then split the time variable into years and quarters.
# List files in data folder (to copy and paste file name!)list.files(path ="data")
labour_market <-read_xlsx("data/Detailed_forecast_tables_Economy_March_2024.xlsx",# Specify the sheet and range of cells to keepsheet ="1.6",range =c("B4:V88"), # Remove column names (too messy)col_names =FALSE) %>%# Select the variables needed by their positionselect(1, 3, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21) %>%# Add variable names manuallysetNames(c("period", "employment_rate", "earning_growth", "earning_index", "productivity_hour", "real_product_wage","real_consumption_wage")) %>%# Split the period variable into years and quartermutate(year =as.numeric(str_sub(period, start =1L, end =4L)),quarter =as.numeric(str_sub(period, start =-1L, end =-1L))) %>%# Remove the perioud variableselect(-period)
C.2 Question 2
Load the OBR’s national living wage data (sheet 1.14).
Using the same approach as earlier, load the correct sheet in, selecting cells with data included. Variable names cannot begin with numbers, so rename them either manually, or by adding a prefix. The rename_with function allows us to rename variables by applying a function to them, in this case paste0 which combines elements in the function separated by commas:
living_wage <-read_xlsx("data/Detailed_forecast_tables_Economy_March_2024.xlsx",# Specify the sheet and range of cells to keepsheet ="1.14", range =c("C4:K5")) %>%# Rename variables by pasting the prefix "year_" to the original namerename_with(~paste0("year_", .x))